Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blog Entry 1

My first impression of Juniro was that he was a tight kid; who was brave but unexperienced. Junior sees himself the same as the people on the rez see him, and thats kind of meaningless. He thought he was just another indian living on a resrvation and didn't deserve anything better. Personally I have never kept a diary, I think that Junior kept one because he wanted to have proove to himself that he lived. By emphasizing that it is "absolutely true" Junior shows that his reality is real.

One of my lifeboats for getting through the hard times is poetry, although I never really write any of them down. They just flow out of me like a brook or stream. Another escape of mine is watching anime. When things get challenging it is sometimes easier to live in a world that is not my own.

My favorite qoute in this book is "I draw because words are too limited" (page 5). I like the qoute because I find it true. Pictures are universal. Not only are there many different languages, but the way we speak changes over time, so anything written is limited to certain people.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

shake an bake

HEY HEY I love baby jesus